Advocates for excellence in the urban environment

Designing Quality Affordable Housing

2016 Annual Meeting

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
6:30 p.m.
New York Foundation for the Arts
20 Jay Street, Suite 740
Brooklyn, NY 11201


Mayor de Blasio’s Housing New York plan put New York on a path to build or preserve 200,000 affordable housing units in ten years. Amid a citywide debate about affordability and gentrification, New Yorkers have an opportunity to ensure that this ambitious effort does much more than meet urgent affordability goals.

On the occasion of its 2016 Annual Meeting, the Fine Arts Federation explored how quality housing design can help achieve affordability while enhancing the public realm; supporting long-term sustainability; responding to the culturally diverse nature of New York neighborhoods; and positively impacting citizens’ health, safety, and well-being. Drawing on best practices in New York and elsewhere, the conversation highlighted strategies to create outstanding affordable housing while meeting the financial realities of New York’s housing market.

Participants included John Gearrity, Assistant Commissioner of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development; Abby Hamlin, President of Hamlin Ventures; Claudia Herasme, Deputy Director of Urban Design, New York City Department of City Planning; Justin Garrett Moore, Executive Director of the New York City Public Design Commission; and Jared Della Valle, CEO of Alloy.

Pictured: 2802 Pico Housing in Santa Monica, California, 100% affordable housing designed by Moore Ruble Yudell. (Photograph by John Linden)